Monday, November 4, 2013

Mommy Civil Disobedience

This Mom is done. I'm done spinning my wheels working for a piece of paper with nothing of real value to back it up. I'm done investing in a retirement account with a dollar that only depreciates as I age. I'm done being forced to invest in a Social Security Ponzi Scheme which will likely not be there when I need it.  I'm done paying for foreign wars and lining the pockets of greedy men.  I'm done investing my knowledge, talents, blood, sweat, and tears into the greedy and corrupt corporate machine. I may be a pawn, but I'm a free pawn!

I'm angry and I've been angry for a long time. I've been angry because I've been spinning my wheels for 20+ years as a working Mom. I've sent my children off to babysitters, public schools, and even charter schools to do the job that I should have been doing all along. I've neglected my home, my family, and even myself to earn a worthless pay check.

Chasing the all mighty dollar is not the reason that any of us exist. The dollar exists because we exist, not the other way around. It has no value. People have value.  The important things in life are not things and I sure don't need anymore dollars to buy more things.

The only thing that gives the dollar value is consumer confidence which is quickly fading. It's value is no longer tied to silver or any other concrete thing that keeps it honest. Hell, it's not even a dollar anymore. It's a Federal Reserve Note which is not Federal at all. The Federal Reserve is a group of private banks which are not even overseen by congress. The "dollar" is a figment of some Bankers imagination... a computer blip... a way to control the masses.

Our founding fathers warned us of the dangers of Central banking;
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered...I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."~Thomas Jefferson
Protections were placed in the Constitution to prevent a central banking system such as we have now. 
 "The Congress shall have Power To...coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin...."~ ARTICLE I, SECTION 8, CLAUSE 5
I am all for equal rights and Liberty for everyone but I can't help but notice that before the Women's Liberation movement, families seemed to be a lot better off.  Until recent history, men were the providers and women were the caretakers.  A man could support a family making a modest income and a mom could focus on what is truly most important to her, her own children.

Today, it takes two incomes to survive and the only people who benefit are those who benefit from taxing two or more incomes per household.  We can argue all day about who benefits, but one thing I know for sure is that it isn't me or my family.  Sadly, the more money we make, the more the government takes.  This will be even more evident now that the "Affordable" Care Act otherwise known as Obama care is being implemented.  Families no longer benefit from the higher income that two wage earners provide. So, Why do it?
"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy 
out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another 
person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to 
anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody 
else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work 
because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other 
half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is 
going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of 
any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it." ~  Dr. Adrian Rodgers

The above quote articulates well how I feel.  I'm not against charity, but forced charity isn't charity... that's called stealing.  I assure you that you and I know who and what to spend our money on so much better than the government does.  I'm willing to bet that you can even balance your checkbook which is more than we can say for our government or even the non governmental Federal Reserve as evidenced by repeated quantitative easing.  I'd much rather feed a hungry family member than bomb people overseas (which is a whole other bandwagon).   Unfortunately, I'm not given the option of how the government spends what it takes form me... so I'm done.

I'm done earning an income in the traditional sense.  I'm done working for an over regulated, greedy, warmongering, corporate, soul sucking system and I'm done Nursing for a company who places more value on the almighty imaginary dollar than it does the people they serve.  I'll still be a nurse just as I was a nurse long before I ever got a licence to do so.  I take care of people, it's what I do.  Now, I'm going to do it on my terms.  How's that for woman's liberation?

As for the almighty imaginary dollar, I know I'll still need some to survive.  I'll be working under the table in stealth mode and caring for my family. My husband will once again be the main bread winner. This is my civil disobedience.  I may fail miserably, but my conscience will be better off knowing I've tried.  I will tighten my belt, and become resourceful.

I plan to blog regularly as I chart new territory for myself and share my tips, opinions and struggles along the way.  This blog will be about independence and self sufficiency. I will post about gardening, food storage, health, Homeschooling resources and a ton of frugal do it yourself tips.  If I think it will help someone be more self sufficient and free, I'll blog about it.  I hope you will find something useful in my blog and I hope you will join me in my endeavors even if in spirit only.

I will leave you with this last quote to ponder...
"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility 
of servitude better than the animating contest of 
freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not 
your counsel or your arms. Crouch down and lick 
the hands of those who feed you. May your chains 
set lightly upon you. May posterity forget that ye 
were our countrymen." 
- Samuel Adams


  1. I am so happy for you..maybe more people would sit out and strike in our country not against an employer, but against government...stop the whole economy...stop paying taxes, stop buying/spending/paying bills..Everyone work towards a day when we all stop! See what happens...

  2. I'm proud of you, Wendy. It takes a while to arrive at the point where we understand our true power. Disconnecting from the psychopathically designed systems, becoming self-reliant, and networking with like-miinded others is the most powerful form of dissent and is the ultimate, peaceful remedy.

    1. I have to admit, it's quite intimidating. Never the less, I'm excited about it!
