Saturday, January 31, 2015


We military veterans took an oath to defend our Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic — an oath without an expiration date. We meant it when we took the oath and we still mean it today.

All of these unconstitutional and undeclared wars in the name of national security do nothing to make us safer and that we are in fact, in more danger because of them.

Our meddling, nation building, and policing of the world do nothing more than incite hatred while bankrupting our country.

In the fictitious name of spreading freedom, we are losing our own at home.

Veterans more than anyone else are fully aware of the fact that if our leaders are truly concerned about our national security, they will secure our perimeter here at home and send us to protect our own borders not the borders of Iraq or Afghanistan.

These same Veterans are still willing to die for their sovereign country today. We are willing to die to defend our Constitution, our freedom, and all of the things that have made this country great.  We are not, however, willing to kill and incite hatred through American Imperialism or to line the pockets of war profiteers.

The general feeling among many veterans is “Save your dumb culture war until after we’ve figured out how to make the government obey the Constitution,” and that we should “Lead by example”, and “Friends with all nations, entangling alliances with none”.

Think about it.  If we were really defending "Freedom", we would be fighting our own government here at home.

I leave you with two quotes to ponder...

"Morality is doing what’s right regardless of what you’re told. Obedience is doing what is told regardless of what is right." ~ H.L. Mencken

"To die for an idea; it is unquestionably noble.  But how much nobler it would be if men died for ideas that were true!" ~ H.L. Mencken

Friday, January 30, 2015

I made this video 6 years ago... when I still had hope.

A lot changes in 6 years, but the direction of this country remains on the fast track to fascism.  Tyranny is inevitable, and the sheeple remain sound asleep.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Director and Family of This Film "Suicided"

This was the film David Crowley was working on when he supposedly killed his wife, 5 year old child and himself. Friends, family and co-workers have said they do not believe it. That he was a great person, with a promising career and an extremely happy home life. They believe he was murdered.

The entire rough cut version of the film is Here.  Please watch and download it and mirror it on your site before it disappears.

For those of you who would like to know the "official" story of their deaths, click Complete BS

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Confessions of a Prison Nurse

No! None of that kinky stuff here, so move along perverts.... Anyway, for those of you who are still with me, I have to admit that prison nursing has become my absolute favorite nursing job so far.

Sure you have to deal with some lewd gestures and exhibitionist masturbaters.  Write them up, ignore them and keep on moving.  If they are foolish enough to stick their appendage out of the food service trap, kick the trap shut. ( I plead the fifth on that confession.)

I love my patients.  Yes, I said it.  I love my patients (even that one with the injured penis).  We are not supposed to say that we love the inmates, but if it were not true then why care for them?  If I stop loving them, it's time for me to move on.

I will admit that I sometimes get burned out.  It is hard to stay positive in such a negative environment.  It's hard to love those who are not always so lovable, but I've found out that when I do, I find it very fulfilling.   
Most of my patients are the nicest bunch of Murderers, Rapists, and Robbers I've ever met!  You really wouldn't know they were any different if you met them on the streets. Most of them are very respectful.

 This job has however made me look at every joe shmoe I meet on the streets a little differently.  I now wonder what everyone is capable of. 

I try not to look up what my patients have done because I don't want to be biased.  It's really none of my business.  I'm there to provide medical care and am there for their sake. They are not there for mine.

Sure there are some manipulative, drug seeking, needy attention whores... but really, how is that different from hospital nursing?

What is different about prison nursing is the sincere heart felt thank you's.  I can't tell you how many times I've heard "Thanks for treating me like I'm human."

Once, a whole block gave me a standing ovation for being "the nurse who does her job".  OK, so that was overkill, and very awkward.... but funny.

I promise you that if you have a sense of humor, your patients will keep you in stitches with their antics.  

Also, where else can a nurse truly speak her mind to her patients?  Really! You don't have to sugar coat a thing.  Only prison nurses get to tell their demanding, entitled drug seeking patients what they really think and it is wonderful!

Prison nursing isn't for the faint of heart.  It is for the witty and confident nurse who has enough experience under her belt to handle the autonomy that comes with the job.   It is for the nurse who not only knows the phrase "what you do for the least of these, you do for me"; it is for the nurse who has the courage to live it.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Website Helps You Create Your Own E-learning Courses With Confidence

I just found a homeschoolers gold mine!  Students and teachers are only limited by their own imaginations.

Create and publish complete online courses, quick homework assignments, engaging product tutorials/how-to guides, and informative training programs with Versal.
It's free and open to everyone.

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Teaching online has never been easier. Versal's intuitive interface makes it simple to structure and organize lessons, build a complete curriculum and teach new concepts in a new and effective way.

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Don't go it alone. Ask friends and colleagues to join in and contribute to your course. Across the hall or on the opposite sides of the world, work together in real time.

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Share your course with anyone. Send a direct link or post to social media, embed it in a website/blog, or add it to the Versal course cateloge.

Check it out here!

George Orwell's Animal Farm (Full Length Animated Movie 1954)

I just watched Orwell's Animal Farm with my 10 year old little girl.  Even at her age, she showed great insight into the correlations between the story and our present day situation.  I recommend you watch it with your children to provoke thought and conversation about governments, free markets, and Liberty.